Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural Treatments for Gallstones

What Causes Gallstones In Pets? 
Gallstones (choleliths) are hard, stone-like lumps of cholesterol, from excess bilirubin or bile salts in the bile. When there is too much cholesterol in gallbladder bile, the  stone that forms is called a cholesterol stone. When there is too much bilirubin in the gallbladder bile, the stone formed is called a pigment stone.

Eighty percent of gallstones are hardened lumps of cholesterol. These stones are generally yellowish-green in color. Pigment stones are darker in color. Their size can range from a tiny grain of sand to large as a marble.

Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, people and animals who have gallstones develop real problems when a stone tries to move through a duct and is too large pass. This obstruction can cause inflammation, infection and damage to the duct itself. Symptoms include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting,  jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of eyes) and a persistent, sharp pain. Emergency surgical intervention may be emanate. Untreated or long lasting gallstone problems can be fatal.

In the long run prevention is the best bet! Enough can't be said for adjusting the diet to a better one. And early detection may allow you to nip it in the bud. By addressing the early symptoms, before they turn into chronic issues, you have a better chance of balancing the system and treating things while they are still manageable. This strategy more often than not can help you avoid the disease all together.

Vitamin E Treatment for Gallstones

When hamsters were given a diet deficient in vitamin E, all developed cholesterol gallstones. When the vitamin was given again, the stones dissolved. Animals given large amounts of cholesterol or saturated or unsaturated fats developed no gallstone as long as vitamin E was adequate.

Homeopathy for Gallstones in Pets
Homeopathy can be helpful in treating chronic gallstone problems. However, the remedies listed below are not recommendations for home or self-treatment, but as educational information about homeopathy and its use in potential gallstone treatments. It is important to remember that each patient presents unique symptoms and homeopathy is aimed at addressing the individual. So gallstone treatments may vary considerably between different animals or people.

Chionanthus (used for dissolving gallstones)
Calcarea carbonica (for the treatment of exhaustion and sensitivity/pains in upper abdomen)
Belladonna (dilates the cystic duct and alleviates pain)
Berberis vulgaris (for the treatment of pain, joint pain and constipation)
Bryonia (for the treatment of abdominal tenderness, nausea, pain)
Borax (used to dissolve gallstones)
Carbo Veg (for nausea and vomiting)
Cardus Marians (for treatment of an enlarged liver)
Chelidonium majus (for the treatment of nausea, pain and fatigue)
China (gastro-duodenal catarrh)
Cholestrinum, Fel tauri (increases duodenal secretions)
Hydrastis (reduces inflammation)
Lycopodium (for the treatment of bloating and digestive problems and cravings for sweets)
Nat Sulph (for indigestion)
Pulsatilla (anti-inflammatory and amoebia)
Mag phos (reduces spasms)
Colocynthis (for the treatment of cramping)
Dioscorea (for the treatment of flatulence and sudden, shifting pains)
Podophyllum (for treatment of constipation and diaherrea)
Nux vomica (for the treatment of nausea and digestive cramps)
Terebinthinum (distension of abdomen and diarrhea)
To learn more about holistic treatments and natural healing strategies for pets, be sure to visit Pet Remedy Charts the ultimate guide to using herbs, homeopathy, flower remedies and acupressure in home pet health care. Click Here learn more about homeopathic treatments for pets. 

1 comment:

  1. My dog recently lost his appetite so we sent him to a vet and eventually underwent surgery. I felt guilty because I also prefer Holistic Medicine more than anything, and to think I let my beloved Marcie to be stitched up. Anyhow, I'm glad I finally found your blog, and it's nice to know that alternative medicine can also be used for animals.
